Thursday, August 28, 2008

new friends needed

thanks to sarah d and melissa belnap i am now looking for new friends if your interested just leave me a message??? well pretty much what i am saying is there is 2 spots opened for being my friend so if theres any takers let me know!! to the rest of my friends i love you all


David and Melissa Belnap said...

Kami, I still love you!! But, if you insist on replacing me, I am sure it won't be hard...we really should hang out more!! :)I had such a good time at the Scentsy party!!! It is so fun to catch up, I can't believe that I didn't know Sarah was that funny!

Call me Hehaw said...

I have heard you have commitment issues.....I have had already heard the whole.....I will move and then won't ever talk to you again....speech.... so I will be your friend until I get dumpped..... I guess....only cuase I think your funny, and I really like Sarah.....

JK....(NO really... I like Sarah she is a funny ass chick)

Coleman, Ashley, Cash, and Presley said...

haha! Kami... you didn't have to buy anything! GOOD GLORY! I am glad you came! ate a few cookies... made a couple of new enemies. all in all it was a good time! I would love it if you want to have a party. You can get some sweet free stuff! :) And let me know when you are moving. I can help! I owe you anyway, for helping rake and weed my situation in the front of my house!

TheTerry's said...

i don't know if you'll check this before utah, but we'd love to visit with you. i'll email you my phone number. call me and we'll arrange something.

~Cmac~ said...

Pick me! Pick me! I guess I'm in UT though. We'll just have to be best blogging buddies or something! :)
This Scentsy thing is quite the rage - it's like almost as big as the whole Twilight series-lol. I'm so out of the loop on both!

Anonymous said...

So this is not an application to be your friend. (I already am) I am so excited you are getting your house! We should be closing at the end of next week! Yea!!! So we will close around the same time. How nice.

Ashlee said...

That's awesome about the house! I will call you later, so we can get together. We're blessing Samantha Monday evening...I know that's weird, but we found out my mom has cancer a few weeks ago and she started chemo last week, and is very sick, so we're doing it at her house with the fam! I think next weekend would be good for us to get together, but you'll have to let me know your schedule. Talk to ya later.

Jon, Janae, & Max said...

Hey Kami, thanks for taking a look at our blog. I wouldn't have one but we had to make one for my husband internet class, so I suck at it to keep it up dated. My sister inlaw has already yelled at me with it. It was good to see you also at Angies wed. And your family is just a growing your kids are so cute, and you look good yourself. My dog is great with kids, I have a friend who has a 18mon and they are like best friends it crazy. He is like a loveable bear I tell you what, but the only problem with him he thinks he is a 10lb lap dog. Having a great dane I wouldn't go with anything else he is the best. take care good to hear from you

RobertsFab4 said...

Hey there girlie, So, I'm totally just getting used to blogging and haven't been remembering to post anything the last few weeks let alone check out the comments on my blog. I'll get better I promise.

RobertsFab4 said...

Kam, I love the girls being close, I figure I'll just use and abuse my body for the next four kids, get it all done quick like and then get in shape and look good. The girls do really well together so its all good. We are actually starting to try for another one soon.

Erin said...

Hello Hello, I came across your blog and I was like "wait a sec, I know that girl" so hopefully you remember me!(JCPenney) I cannot believe you have four kids. They are so cute! It was fun to see what your up to. Keep in touch!

Seven Rivers said...

I'd love for you to pick me. Do I need to schedule an interview?

amanda morgan said...

why hello there! I cannot believe how long it has been since i last saw you. it looks like you are fantastic with an adorable family! i'm so happy for you.

we should definitely catch up sometime. it would be wonderful to chit chat and think back to the high school days. 208.521.5201 is my number if you ever get a chance to call, i would love to hear from you (though i do understand if it takes a while.... 4 kids!!)


bryan and megan said...

K, so I guess I am lost! Why are you looking for new friends?
And the whole kids thing, I went from 2 to 6 in six months!! And 6 months ago we were blessed with #7. Your slackin!!!

5littlecuties said...

Hey, your fam is so cute! What a fun job we have eh?

Angie said...

You made a new friend today! Hopefully we'll see you tonight. Welcome to the 'hood.