Thursday, April 24, 2008

k well its been a while but not much has been going on me and mike got new callings and well they are kinda strange but our calling is Temple goers i know your all thinking what the heck is that i know that's what went through my mind at the time well not exactly that but close anyway we have to go to the Idaho falls temple once a week and the calling lasts from 6-12 months!! I'm not gonna lie at first i was way weirded out by it but now i think that it will be a great thing for me and mike!! we couldn't even make it to the temple once a month so i think that it will be good if we can ever find a babysitter that is gonna be the biggest challenge i think it wasn't bad when you had one or two children but four is a whole other story!! anyway just so all of you know Aiden is completely potty trained even through the night and naps YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! its so great now i only have 2 in diapers but you would be amazed at how much money that saves us!!! And you all know me i am cheap anything that i can do to save money!! well thank you for all of your ideas and comments to the potty training thing.


Kris and Sarah said...

I want some flippen pictures!! ha ha

charm said...

Kami, your family is so dang cute! I didn't realize you had four now... you are SUPERWOMAN! They are all so cute, and I can tell you're doing a great job with them! Congrats on the potty-training thing! I seriously think that's the greatest accomplishment in motherhood!!! (And the thing that I DREAD about having another one!) Why can't they come out potty-trained??? So much less stressful! Anyways, thanks for droppin' me a note! I'm glad we can keep in better touch now!