Sunday, November 23, 2008

Have you ever loved some one or something so much that it just consumes you? That is how i feel about my family i know weired huh for those of you who really know me this is an odd thing i know. But i was watching a movie last night and it was about a mother who was dying of breast cancer and she and her teenage daughter were affraid that they wouldnt ever really know each other anyway it was sad so when i went in to tuck all my kids in to bed i just look at them sleeping and cant help but to feel so much love for them that it just consumes me for a minute. You know how there are girls or women out there that say " I know that i was born to be a mother." well thats not me at all i didnt ever feel that way but i dont think that you have to feel that way to wanna just be a mom, I think that it is awesome that women feel that way dont get me wrong but those of you who know me know thats not me at all!! But lately I look up to those women who just know i am so nervouse about raising my kids in this world it scares me. Every night when i go in to tuck in averi I just sit and look at her, i find myself loving her so much it hurts and at the same time saying a little prayer for her that she will be so strong in this world that i brought her into, that she can make it and be so strong, but mostly to stand up for what we believe I just think that its gonna be so much scarier for them!!! Well i dont really know the reason for this blog except for the fact that i just had these thoughts and i wanted to share them!!


Paula said...

I think the love we experience as parents helps us understand God and his love towards us, his children.

Kris and Sarah said...

ha ha ha thanks ya skank! I love the one with you making me smile! It's really flattering! ha ha I love your post! I feel the same way. I don't even remember what it was like before kids and I love it that way!!

bryan and megan said...

Thanks for the post! I know sometimes I feel like I am at my wits end with my kids and then I go to tuck them in that night and think to myself, what was I thinkin? I have been trying really hard to have more patience and to just chill out. You are right, things are getting a lot scarrier and I want to make sure that my kids are prepared, and that they know that they are loved and cared for.

David and Melissa Belnap said...

Isn't it funny how after you have kids, all of the sudden things that used to be sooooo important, are not so important! Funny how you change when you are basically living for another person!

Adam & Brittany Stevenson said...

Congrats! I hope all goes well for you and that you get another girl.

tiff snedaker said...

Hi Kami! I come pop in to read your blog now and then. Just wanted to say Congrats! H&H 9 months :) Kudos to you for being a great mom and managing to always look so cute too!

Shosh said...

i couldnt agree with you more